Category: Lice Control

  • Lice Treatments That Work

    Getting lice is something that can be extremely frustrating for a variety of reasons. Not only is it something that is very difficult to deal with, but it can possibly cause some long-term issues as well. The good news is that there are a number of treatment options out there, including the silicone lice treatment.…

  • Dealing With The Lice Issue

    Dealing With The Lice Issue

    Going to a lice treatment salon is something that nobody wants to actually do. With that being said, it sometimes is needed in order to really see a change. These lice treatment salons can make a big difference when it comes to becoming healthy again and not having to deal with the issue. Having lice…

  • The Purpose Of Lice Control Salons

    Having a lice infestation is never pleasant for anyone. This is irrespective of whether you are an adult or child. A lice infestation often causes an unbeatable itching sensation, not to mention an uncomfortable feeling all the time. However, the good news is that if you discover that you have a lice infestation, there are…

  • Lice Control Salons: Safe, Arfordable, And Effective

    Head lice won’t go away on their own, and while lice may not pose serious health risks, they can be a serious annoyance and cause uncomfortable itching and scalp irritation. Lice spread quickly. Even if only one person in your household is infected with lice, everyone is at risk of being infected after only a…

  • Lice Control Salons | Relief For Parents Everywhere

    Lice. Just reading the word makes our skin crawl. Those gross little bugs that can infest a child’s (and, eventually, their parent’s) hair can make anyone shudder in fear. Yes, fear. Let’s face it. Getting lice is a real possibility for anyone in close contact with other kids. Public schools, dance classes, and football teams…

  • Center For Lice Control

    Although lice infestation is not pleasant at all, it’s good to know that you can get rid of it. So if you find that your child has a lice infestation or perhaps you have one, then there are various remedies out there to get rid of infestation once and for all. Some of the most…

  • Professional Head Lice Treatment Services

    Introduction Most parasites tend to inhabit the body of the host for survival reasons. Head lice are no different as the parasites infest a human’s scalp so as to feed on human blood. The lice reproduce by laying dark-colored eggs known as nits which attach to the roots of the hair follicle. The adult lice…

  • Top 6 Rare Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Head Lice

    Head lice (or pediculus humanus capitis) are touted as one of the most common human parasitic infections globally. In the US alone, about 6-12 million people are treated for head lice annually, and studies have indicated that it is predominant in pre-school and school-aged children. To treat or prevent head lice infestation, it is significant…