How Can Adult ADHD Doctor Help You?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) impacts adults and children and is a chronic condition. There are many symptoms, such as problems focusing or sitting still, trouble controlling behavior, and restlessness. While it is normal for everyone to experience these feelings from time to time, ADHD can cause difficulties at home, school, or work if not treated properly with adult ADHD medication.

Adult ADHD doctor can help you identify if you are suffering from ADHD and how to manage the condition by helping you find the right medication. This can be done through a health examination, neuropsychological testing, and patient history review. The doctor will give you information on ADHD treatments, including medication, psychotherapy, or nutritional-based therapies.

The doctor will also prescribe you adult ADHD medications that help relieve the symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, mood swings, or depression. These may include Ritalin or Adderall for hyperactive adults who have trouble focusing on tasks.