Cell phone tower leases have become lucrative income-earning opportunities for landowners across the country. For those ones who have not yet leased their lands, there are a number of questions that they ask themselves. Today we will address a couple of them.
How much should I lease my land/building for?
The answer to this question is the lease rate depends on the uniqueness of your property. We mean how hard or how easy it is for the carrier to find other properties nearby to lease. The lowest lease rate can be as low as $100 per month and the highest one as high as $15,000 a month. Most landowners receive a lease rate of around $900 per month in the United States.
How much should I get if they co-locate or add another carrier on the tower?
In most cases, you will not get anything. Most carriers try so hard to ensure that the contract you sign bars you from earning anything from future carriers on the tower. What you need to do is hire an expert to help you during the negotiations for a better chance of receiving earnings from future carriers on the tower.
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