The Where And How Of Getting Jobs For College Graduates



When I was still starting out in college, it never dawned on me that, at some point in the latter years of my career, I would find it difficult to land a job. However, when getting jobs for college graduates tough, I relied on the advice I received from my college lecturers, it truly pays to listen.

Online: The New Age Of Telecommuting

We’ve all been brainwashed into believing that the ideal job is canvassed in a suit and a tie, a personal office or desk and having to commute to work. Needless to say, these days most companies are offering telecommuting work. That’s right, working from home. Not only are online jobs liberating, cheap and fulfilling, but you get to be your own boss, albeit not completely.

My first real job was working online after I was told by my lecturer to post my CV for telecommuting work, and that was when I was still in college. Today I have a real job, but that only materialized when i had been telecommuting for almost ten years.