Low Cost Forex License

Investment banking also offers other financial services to customers, such as trade or placement to future income, debts, stocks or commodities. The research and analysis division (research ) is dedicated to evaluating companies and enterprises and reports about their business prospects and financial condition, often accompanied by recommendations to buy or sell.

Risk management and Low Cost Forex License are essential. The most important is the financial risk management which is a structured approach that attempts to measure the uncertainty associated with a value or purse. The risk is assessed by mathematical tools (VaR (Value at Risk)) and monitoring of various financial and macroeconomic indicators. Back office includes accounting and administrative activities generated by the written confirmation of a negotiated trade and IT services.

Merchant banks are specialized banks emerged in Britain in the XVIII century. First, these banks were engaged in the service of commercial transactions, the acceptance of bills, as well as act as a mediator in the initial public offering.