Best Scuba Mask Strap

Flora and fauna varies from one area to another. It is good to inquire in advance to provide divers with a short list of what to watch and what to look at. A simple subdivision by categories could be useful: animals that bite (sharks, barracudas, morays, conger eels, crossbow, surgeon). Animals that sting, poisonous (race, scorpion fish, scorpion, stone); non-poisonous (curly) and stinging animals (jellyfish, anemones, fire coral). The Best Scuba Mask Strap recommendation for one’s health, but also for the health of the environment one visits is to never touch or damage any living being.

The pre-dive briefing

To allow proper dive planning to be translated into practice it is important that it is known and understood by all divers. In other words, each member of the group must have a clear understanding of the procedures to follow during the dive. Only in this way will it be possible for the whole group to react unambiguously and, if necessary, sufficiently quickly in any foreseen or unexpected situation.


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