How Korean Acupuncture Rockville Works

Theophylline is used as an agent of choice in status asthmaticus included in many medicines which are used in the prophylaxis of asthma attacks and the production of bronchodilation in other respiratory illnesses. Applied in rare cases of congestive heart failure. because of the myocardial stimulatory action. It has some use as a coronary vasodilator in angina pectoris patients as with Korean Acupuncture Rockville.

Theophyllinc inhibits phosphodicsterase. the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of cyclic adcnosine monophosphate rye-AMP). This leads to an increase in c-AMP levels in bronchial smooth muscle. which consequently relaxes. As beta-two sympathomimetics cause an increase in the synthesis of cAMP. the methylxanthines and the beta-two svmpathomimetics strongly potentiate one anothcr’s bronchodilatory ettects.

Other mechanisms are probably also involved in the broncho-dilatory effects of theophylline. Tablets, liquids, suppositories and capsules containing theophylline are available for chronic use. Whilst bolus inicctions or infusions are used in cases of status asthmaticus.


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