Sustainable Tips For Travelling

Sustainable Travel Tips
Don’t Go in the First Place a travel incentives provider that helps companies and employees reduce business travel expenses. “We’ve seen many companies save money by [replacing business trips with] virtual meetings. Packing light When you pack light, you can move more easily at your destination, which means using public transport instead of taxis Next time you need to replace luggage or some other essential travel item, consider buying it secondhand. If you don’t travel often Be considerate — of the communities and environment you visit. Don’t litter. Try to carry your own shopping bag to avoid contributing to the plastic problem in many countries of the world.

Try to avoid excessive waste and the use of plastic bottles (in many countries there is no way of disposing of these, therefore creating plastic mountains due to tourism) — bring your own and consider purifying your own water & remove all packaging before leaving home.

Reduce energy consumption. Unplug your mobile phone charger, turn off the lights… Conserve water. Take shorter showers…

Always ask before taking photographs. Educate yourself about the place you are visiting and the people.

Respect cultural differences — and learn from it! People in different places do things differently. Dress respectively. Cover up away from the beach. Cover your head in religious places. Notice local dress codes and adhere to them. Do not purchase or eat endangered species .Choose sustainable seafood

Support the local economy. Buy locally made souvenirs, eat at local restaurants enjoy the local culture! Do not give pens, candy or other gifts to local children — it fosters a begging economy.


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