What Are Some Types Of Stuttering?

There are several different types of stuttering. The most common type of stuttering is called “stuttered speech.” In this case, the person who is speaking may have a hard time getting the words out of their mouth. This can result in pauses and repetitions of syllables or words.

Fluency disorder — Unlike those who experience true stuttering, people with fluency disorder don’t typically pause as they speak. However, their speech flow is disrupted in some other way. For instance, they may stutter on individual words or repeat the same word over and over again.

Children who experience fluency disorder often grow out of their symptoms by late elementary school, but it’s possible for them to develop true stuttering as they get older.

When someone has mild stuttering that doesn’t interfere with his or her speech ability, then it is not noticeable. However, sometimes people will display more severe symptoms of the condition – like noticeably pausing before certain words or syllables.