3 Reasons Why Dynamic Application Security Testing Is Important

Application security is a critical component of the application lifecycle. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) can be used to identify vulnerabilities and flaws in dynamic applications before they are deployed into production, eliminating the risk of exploitation or data loss. In this article, we will explore three reasons dynamic application security testing is important for your organization.

1) DAST provides immediate feedback on any issues found, so you can fix them immediately instead of waiting until deployment time.

2) Automated scanning means less human involvement, which increases efficiency and reduces costs.

3) It’s impossible to find all vulnerabilities during manual code review, but dynamic testing can find vulnerabilities that would otherwise be missed.

In conclusion, dynamic application security testing is an important part of modern web development. It provides instant feedback on any vulnerabilities found in your code, reducing the risk of exploitation or data loss that would otherwise occur due to these issues not being detected until after it reaches production. Additionally, dynamic scanning enables organizations with limited resources to be more efficient by utilizing automated tools instead of manual processes!