Denver’s Redistricting Expert: The Man Behind The Maps

If you’re wondering who is responsible for drawing up the maps that decide how Colorado’s voting districts will look, wonder no more. The man behind the maps is redistricting expert Denver Stouffer. For over 35 years, Stouffer has been helping states redraw their district lines in a way that ensures fair representation for all voters.

What should I know about this?

Denver’s Redistricting Expert is a complex and often controversial process, but Stouffer’s work has been praised by both Democrats and Republicans. He was even appointed by President Obama to serve on a redistricting commission in 2010.

Despite the high-stakes nature of his work, Stouffer says he doesn’t get wrapped up in the politics of it all. “I’m just trying to do my job as best I can,” he says. “I want to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard.”
It’s clear that Stouffer takes his responsibility seriously. And with another round of redistricting just around the corner, we’re lucky to have him on our side.

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