Security Risk Management Aide Memoire

The Security Risk Management Aide Memoire is a handy resource full of models, tools, and templates for security professionals. It also provides tips on conducting a security risk assessment, facilitating workshops, and drafting reports. The guide is perfect for anyone in the security field who wants to learn how to do their job better. The Aide Memoire is much more than a reference book despite its name. The aide is a collection of dozens of different tools, models, and guides that will help you do your work more effectively.

The Aide Memoire was created to help organizations identify, measure, and manage the various risks facing them. Regardless of size or industry, an SRM plan can benefit any company. It outlines the most critical risks facing an organization and plans to address these threats. In addition, the document includes a security policy, incident response plan, disaster recovery strategy, and more. The Aide Memoire will help you implement the necessary safeguards by incorporating the most current risk-management principles.