What Is TRX Suspension Training?

TRX Suspension Training is a revolutionary fitness method that uses your body weight and gravity to provide a challenging, constantly variable workout. The TRX system can be used for various exercises, making it an ideal workout for people of all fitness levels.

TRX Training was created by former Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick, who was looking for a way to stay in shape while deployed on aircraft carriers. The TRX system is now used by military personnel, first responders, and athletes worldwide.

The system consists of two adjustable suspension straps attached to an anchor point. The user can then use the straps to support their body weight while performing various exercises.

TRX suspension training is an excellent way to get a full-body workout, as it can target all major muscle groups. It is also a very versatile workout, as the straps can be adjusted to increase or decrease the difficulty of an exercise.