What Is Redistricting And Why Does It Matter?

Redistricting is a process that takes place every 10 years in the United States and can significantly impact our elections. Redistricting expert Denver can help you understand this complex process and ensure your voice is heard during the redistricting process.

What should I know about this?

Redistricting occurs when new lines are drawn for congressional and state legislative districts. This happens every ten years after the US Census is released. The redistricting process can significantly impact our elections, as it can determine which party has an advantage in a particular district.

How does this process work?

A redistricting expert can help you understand this complex process. The redistricting process begins with the US Census, which determines how many congressional seats each state gets. Once the Census data is released, each state will redraw its district lines. This can be a contentious process, as parties may try to advantage themselves by drawing districts that are favorable to their party.

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