Fun Travel Games For Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained On Long Car Rides

Traveling with kids can be a challenge, but it can also be a lot of fun! One way to keep the little ones entertained is by playing travel games. These games will keep the kids occupied and happy for hours on end!

What are the top travel games for kids?

  1. I Spy: This classic game is simple but always fun and engaging for kids of all ages. All you need to play with is a small object from around the car (or in your bag or suitcase) that the child can name without seeing. The adult chooses an item, tells the child what it is (e.g., a purple pen), and then asks, “I spy with my little eye something that starts with P.” The child must guess what it is before learning the answer through clues like “it’s small” or “it’s round.”
  2. Mad Libs: This game involves filling out story prompts with nonsense words, later filled with actual words by other players. Mad Libs books were 18-page paperbacks where one player reads a story and the other players fill in specific terms of their choice into blanks. Once all the blanks have been filled in, everyone enjoys a laugh as they read the silly stories created.
  3. I Can See: This game is slightly more advanced than others on this list and involves some basic math, but it’s still fun for kids who like to play games while traveling! One person creates a sentence with missing words (e.g., “I can see an animal _“) and then lets the child decide what fills in for that blank, whether by making up their word or choosing one from a pre-determined list (like if there’s a road sign with an animal on it or a stuffed toy in the car).

We hope this information has been useful to you.