Unique Bucks Party Ideas Sydney

When you talk of Christmas Bucks party ideas what readily comes to your mind? Something unique or different from the usually, right? Take a look at these two bucks party ideas Sydney you can jump on right now this season.

Neutral Bay Korean BBQ Cooking Class

If you and the lads want to get your competitive spirit through the roof top, then a Korean BBQ cooking session will come handy. You will have a great time every step of the way. This will enhance your culinary skills and create more bonding between the bucks and his friends.

Marrickville Carizza Designs

When you talk of bucks night, then some kind of customs should come into play. That is why you should hop on to Carizza Design to hit you and the guys up. There are great classes on screen printing and Shibori Dyeing; they will help you assemble the best costumes ever for your Christmas bucks party. Know more here.