How Are DoTERRA Essential Oils Made

You can’t just wake up suddenly one morning a decide that you’re going to start manufacturing essential oils on a large scale. You have to put as much thought into it as you would when making them.

It all begins in a laboratory with few finely selected herbaceous plants, a distillation chamber and a couple of filtration devices. The result: pure essential oil extract that is free from impurities.

Low Heat Steam Distillation

The answer to the question “How Are doTERRA Essential Oils Made?” is simple really. Low pressure steam is released into a chamber, and as it passes through the plant pores and air sacs, it mixes with the steam. The steam is then meticulously channeled through a condenser, where it cools and reforms into a liquid. Owing to the varying density of water and oil, the oil floats and is then subsequently channeled away for further processing.

Mechanical “Expression”

This is whereby the oil us practically squeezed out, as is the case with the rinds of oranges and lemons, that are very oily.