Understanding Effective Therapy for Derma Improvement

Skin picking disorder treatment can help clients regain control of their lives. Often referred to as excoriation or dermatillomania, this disorder affects nearly 1 in 20 individuals. Derma-picking symptoms can range from mild to severe, and sometimes result in discoloration and scarring. Fortunately, treatment can significantly reduce or eliminate skin picking behaviors.

The most effective therapy for this condition is cognitive behavioral therapy CBT. CBT focuses on identifying triggers that cause skin picking and helps the patient develop coping techniques to manage triggers and prevent impulsive skin picking. Relaxation techniques and stress-management methods can also help reduce the urge to pick at the skin.

Dialectical behavior therapy DBT is another option for treating skin picking disorder. DBT is a skill-building therapy that includes individual therapy and group sessions. It focuses on increasing mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.

Patients can also benefit from support groups. Groups provide a non-judgmental environment where patients can discuss their struggles and share coping techniques.

In severe cases, medication may be necessary to help reduce anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD symptoms that contribute to skin picking behaviors. Medication should be used in conjunction with therapy.

Skin picking disorder treatment success rates can vary, but with therapy and support, most individuals see significant improvement in their skin and quality of life. If you or someone you love is struggling with skin picking, seek the help of a qualified mental health professional.