Are You A Suitable Candidate For Browlift?

A browlift or a forehead lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps lift the brows and the surrounding tissues. Aging can make the skin sag, eventually causing it to lose its volume, tautness and youthful qualities. A browlift surgery helps reposition the brow line to its original position and correct sagging in the upper eyelids, eyebrows, and forehead skin, helping you achieve a youthful appearance.

Ideal candidates for the surgery include those looking for an effective treatment for the following cosmetic issues –

• Drooping eyebrows
• Horizontal lines across forehead
• Frown lines on the bridge of the nose and between eyebrows
• Heavy upper eyelids
• Deep furrows between the brows
• Angry, sad or tired appearance

The cosmetic surgery is suitable for both men and women who do not have any medical conditions or illness that can impair healing. However, people with receding hairline, thinning hair or baldness should avoid going for the surgery.