How To Estimate SharePoint Cloud Pricing



SharePoint Cloud pricing can be confusing. There are a number of variables that influence how much you are going to pay for SharePoint cloud and other services. Knowing these variables can help you estimate the amount of money you are going to pay for it. Below are some of these factors:

– What your user base looks like

The number of user you will have and if they are internal or external will affect the pricing of SharePoint for you.

– The number of servers you need

You also need to consider the number of SharePoint servers that you will need and whether you will be in need of redundancy. This affects the price because for each server you will be using, a SharePoint server license will be required.

– The license that is right for you

Ask yourself if you will need a Standard license or one with Enterprise features. Additional Enterprise features mean that you will need additional Enterprise CALs. This significantly increases the license fees.