SWPPP Compliance In A Nutshell

In order to achieve SWPPP compliance, it’s important to understand what the matter is all about. First of all, the acronym stands for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. In a nutshell, having an SWPPP ensures that whatever stormwater gets discharged from your location, it will not have any deleterious effects on the quality of the drinking water and the safety of the environment as a whole.

So these days, any entity or structure that discharges stormwater into the local water needs a so-called SWPPP permit. When you’re having difficulty understanding the scope as well as the nature of the permit in question, all you have to do is to reread the permit’s specifications. For sure, it will detail what are construed to be contaminants or environmental pollutants that can go into the local water supply in case of a typhoon, storm or flooding.

Different locales, states and other jurisdictions have differing requirements. For example, the location concerned may be close to a chemical plant, a stockpile of construction materials or a landfill. In all these cases, you can expect authorities to become rather circumspect if not strict about their requirements.