If you are from a country in the western hemisphere and are used to consuming the honey you find here, then forget everything you know about honey. This is as the kind of honey we will be discussing in today’s article is nothing like what you already. Everything from the taste to the side effects of Nepal Mad Honey is unlike anything you have ever tried. Here are some differences you can expect right off the bat:
It May Be Harmful
As intimated prior, one of the first most notable differences between Mad Honey in Nepal and the honey you enjoy in the west is that it is not the western miracle you are used to. Instead, it has toxins that may prove to be poisonous when ingested.
An Unusual High
For all intents and purposes, Mad Honey is a hallucinogen. It is often taken as both a recreational drug and for some medicinal purposes. Curiosity regarding its effects and benefits have left westerners eager to try the drug.