Steel has no chemical symbol, therefore it is not listed on the periodic table. There are many nomenclatures established by various organizations that regulate technical standards, the composition of each league, properties, etc. The basic characteristics are conferred to the alloy of steel by carbon. The intentional addition of further elements such as nickel, chromium, molybdenum, manganese, titanium, boron, niobium and vanadium, changes the characteristics of steel.
Carbon and other elements act as hardeners. By changing the quantity of elements in the alloy, the properties of the steel are checked. For example, a steel with a high presence of carbon in the alloy will be harder, but at the same time less ductile than a steel with a low percentage of carbon. If the percentage of carbon present exceeds 2.1%, the alloy is called iron used in Metal Stamping.
The steel production cycle varies according to the technologies used and the type of steel to be obtained. We can divide steel production cycles into two categories: steel produced with blast furnace and steel produced with an electric oven.
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