Heart Palpitations: What You Should Know

Heart palpitations but normal ecg. The heart is an incredibly important organ, and it must function correctly. When the heart becomes irregular, or when the heart beats faster than usual, this is known as heart palpitations. Heart palpitations are usually harmless and don’t require medical treatment. However, in some cases, they can be a sign of an underlying heart condition or heart disease. It’s important to be aware of heart palpitations and to seek medical attention if they persist or become more severe.

One common cause of heart palpitations is stress and anxiety. Stress can cause the heart to beat faster than normal, resulting in palpitations. Certain medications, such as caffeine or hormonal contraceptives, can cause heart palpitations.

Another common cause of heart palpitations is an electrolyte imbalance or dehydration. Electrolytes are minerals in the body that help regulate heart rhythm and fluid balance, and when levels become imbalanced, it can lead to heart palpitations. Dehydration can also cause heart palpitations as it causes an electrolyte imbalance.

Finally, heart palpitations can be caused by heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disorder that can cause the heart to beat too fast or irregularly, resulting in heart palpitations.

Although heart palpitations can be a sign of heart disease, they are usually nothing to worry about. Suppose you experience heart palpitations that last more than a few minutes or feel intense or happen regularly. In that case, it’s important to talk with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying heart conditions.