How To Create An Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assitance Program (EAPs) is a valuable tool to help your employees with their mental, physical and emotional needs. Employee programs can also be beneficial for the company in that they will improve employee productivity and reduce absenteeism. Mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety disorder, substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder are all rising among adults aged 18 years or older in America. These Programs can help alleviate these issues by providing counseling services to those who need them most.

EAP should be easy to access and support its members 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Programs are also great preventative tools that can help reduce the number of personal issues your employees may face throughout their lifetime.

EAPs are beneficial for both companies and employees alike as they offer several benefits, including helping to improve employee productivity by reducing absenteeism rates, providing counseling services when needed most, being easily accessible at any time through phone or email, etc. EAP is not only an effective tool, but it will keep your business running smoothly while making sure you have happy workers who feel safe in the office environment.

We hope this information has been helpful to you.