How to Heal Your Injured Shoulder

If you have recently injured your shoulder, you’re probably looking for relief. One effective solution is seeing a shoulder physio in Wollongong. With their expertise, they can help you restore motion and alleviate pain in your shoulder.

During your visit, the shoulder physiotherapist will evaluate your shoulder’s range of motion and pain levels. They will then create a personalized rehabilitation plan tailored to your unique situation.

Your plan may include exercises such as shoulder blade squeezes, shoulder rotations, and pendulum stretches. While performing these exercises, you may be asked to use various weights or resistance bands to help strengthen your shoulder muscles.

It’s important to remember that healing your shoulder will take time and consistency. It may take multiple sessions with the shoulder physiotherapist before you begin to notice a significant difference. However, sticking to your rehabilitation plan will ultimately help heal your injury and improve your overall shoulder health.

Shoulder physio Wollongong can help you regain your shoulder’s motion and decrease pain.

If you’re experiencing pain in your shoulder, don’t hesitate to seek out a shoulder physio in Wollongong. They have the knowledge and tools to help you start feeling better.