Krav Maga For Kids

Krav Maga is a type of self defence that melds a number of approaches. Krav Maga tries to empower children by building their strength and confidence. The self defence course is tough in a relatively short period of time and teaches children how to recognize certain threats such as bullies or kidnappers. Teaching children to listen to their bodies and tune into their instincts is an important aspect that is very powerful.

The classes take into account the age and mental ability of each child and they are tailored to suit each child’s ability level. For younger age groups, the skills are mainly taught through enjoyable games. Krav Maga for kids strives to empower children by strengthening their minds and bodies. They learn to recognize threats and respond accordingly. Krav Maga kids tend to be more confident and enjoy school more as they are not as worried about being picked on.