Latest Hip Hop News: The Past, Present And Future

Rap music is often considered an art form that captures the feelings and thoughts of a generation. It has been around for decades and continues to evolve with each new artist that comes into the game. Latest Hip Hop News: The Past, Present, and Future explore how rap music has evolved through its lyrics, beats, and culture

What should I know about this?

-Hip Hop Lyrics: One aspect in which hip hop has completely changed since its beginning days is in terms of its lyrical content. In popular songs such as “Rapper’s Delight” by Sugarhill Gang or “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five, rappers primarily used their music to tell stories about their lives while using simple beats and lyrics. In recent years, however, hip hop has been filled with artists using it as a way to express their wealth and status. The majority of popular songs by rappers today are about cars they own or things that money can buy rather than the struggles from which rap music originally came.
-Hip Hop Beats: As is also evident in hip hop’s lyrical evolution, its beat structure over time has changed considerably too. Although many old-school songs used simple drum loops for backdrops behind raps, modern-day beats have become increasingly complex while still maintaining an easy-going flow that listeners find enjoyable to listen to. This sound quality increase is mainly due to producers now using advanced technology such as computer software programs.

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