Legal Aspects Of Wedding Band Hire (Music): Understanding The Consequences

A wedding is the kind of occasion you look forward to your entire life. The flower arrangements, the wedding cake, reuniting with family and friends, it’s all pretty exciting. But what’s a wedding without music, right? Wedding band hire (music) is a contractual relationship whereby a band commits itself to playing a selection of music to the bridal party for a fee.

A Wedding band specialises in playing wedding songs sung by popular musicians. By virtue of this, the law comes into the picture immediately. This is because it is copyright infringement to permit a place of public entertainment to be used for the performance of such recordings.

A wedding venue may be a place of public entertainment, but one has to reason that a wedding is a private event. Yes, the performers are paid, but it’s normally a reasonable fee that’s not enough to affect the original owner’s earnings significantly. So party on, there’s no need to worry about being hassled by the law.

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Chris, a writer and content creator, explores business, lifestyle, and tech, sharing insightful ideas.