With redistricting on the horizon, Colorado is looking for an expert to help them draw new district lines. Many people wonder who this person will be and what they can bring to the table. One name that has come up repeatedly is Dr. Michael McDonald. He is a redistricting expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He has worked on redistricting projects in over a dozen states and is considered one of the country’s top experts.
Why is his work important? Drawing district lines can have a huge political influence. The party in power can maintain or increase its majority by choosing which citizens are in a particular district. It is often said that those who control the drawing of the lines will control the outcome of elections.
In conclusion, Dr. Michael McDonald is a widely respected expert in the field of redistricting. His work has been instrumental in creating fair district lines that protect the voting rights of Americans. For more information on redistricting expert Colorado, check online.