Bringing a new bundle of joy into the world comes with its fair share of challenges. Post-natal physio Morphett Vale can assist new moms in navigating some of them.
Post-natal physiotherapy is a way for new moms to regain strength in their muscles, particularly in the pelvic floor area. Due to the stresses and strains of childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles can become weak, leading to issues with incontinence and discomfort.
Not only does post-natal physiotherapy aid in recovering core strength, but it can also have great benefits for mental health. Caring for a newborn can be overwhelming at times, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. Getting back into a regular exercise routine gently and safely can be beneficial in helping to reduce stress.
At a post-natal physiotherapy session, a registered therapist will evaluate the individual’s specific needs and help them with exercises that will lead to recovery from childbirth. These exercises are tailored to individual needs, which may include focusing on the pelvic floor, building overall body strength, and increasing range of motion.
Trying to get back in shape after giving birth can be a daunting task. But don’t fret, post natal physio Morphett Vale is here to help. These sessions can help new moms recover their strength and fitness by targeting specific areas such as the pelvic floor, helping reduce the risk of incontinence and discomfort. Just one of the many advantages of incorporating post-natal physiotherapy into a routine is getting back to daily activities quickly.
Incorporating post-natal physiotherapy into a routine can provide benefits such as decreasing pain, improving strength, and easing back into daily activities. With the help of a licensed physiotherapist, new moms can get back on track with their overall wellness goals.