Storytelling Music App: Where It All Begins

The storytelling music app owes its origins to the classical composer Antonio Vivaldi, who was the first musical artist to use music to tell a story. In his four violin concertos, the musical genius introduced his followers to the narratives of the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. For example, in the spring concerto, the listener can literally hear a brook running, and a goatherd happily whistling as he went about his daily duty.

And so the credit goes to the classical artist for making music evoke more than just feelings but memories and familiar stories about daily living. That was in the second decade of the 18th century–so much for forward thinking. To-date, pop music is now widely used to tell personal stories about heartbreaks, happy endings and modern tragedies. Country music also does the same thing by catering to stories about life and love in the American countryside.