Dieffenbachia seguine, also known as dumb cane, is a popular houseplant due to its stunning leaves. The leaves are large, pointed, and come in a variety of beautiful green hues, making it an attractive addition to any home’s decor. But did you know this plant can be dangerous if ingested?
Dieffenbachia seguine contains a harmful substance called calcium oxalate crystals. If these crystals are ingested, they can cause pain, swelling, and even difficulty breathing in humans and pets. That’s why it’s essential to keep it out of reach from children and animals.
Besides being toxic, dieffenbachia seguine is also a plant that requires moderate care. It needs indirect sunlight and water every ten days or so. Overwatering it can cause the plant’s roots to rot, while direct sunlight can scorch its leaves. When pruning, make sure to wear gloves to avoid contact with the sap, which can cause skin irritation.
While dieffenbachia seguine is a lovely houseplant, it’s essential to be cautious of its toxic properties and take proper care of it. If you have small children or pets, it may be best to avoid this plant altogether. For those who still choose to have it in their homes, make sure to keep it in a safe place and handle it with care.