The Risks of Wearing Sclera Contacts

Sclera contacts white are a type of cosmetic contact lenses that can create a dramatic look. They cover the entire eye, with only a small opening for the pupil. While they may seem like a fun accessory to wear for a costume or special event, they can actually be quite dangerous.

It is important to know that sclera contacts are not the same as regular contact lenses. They are larger, thicker, and cover more of the eye. This makes them more difficult to insert and remove, and can lead to eye injuries if not handled properly.

Furthermore, sclera contacts are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA. This means that the quality and safety of these lenses cannot be guaranteed. In some cases, they may be made with materials that can cause eye infections or other problems.

Even if the sclera contacts are made with safe materials, they can still cause damage to the eyes. The lenses can trap bacteria and other debris against the eye, leading to infection or other complications. They can also deprive the eyes of oxygen, which can cause irritation, swelling, and even blindness.

In short, while sclera contacts white may seem like a fun way to change your appearance, they are not worth the risks. Stick to regular contact lenses or glasses for vision correction, and choose other accessories for your costumes or events. Your eyes will thank you for it.