Things You Need to Know About Color Contact Lenses With Prescription

If you want to change your appearance, a color contact lens with prescription may be the perfect option. However, there are a few things that you should know before you make your purchase. So, if you are considering buying color contacts, read this post!

What should I know about this?

First and foremost, if you want to buy lenses with a prescription, you must get an eye exam from your optometrist. This is because, like regular contacts, color contacts come in different prescriptions, so your eyes must be correctly fitted for them. Without the proper prescription, your vision may suffer or even become worse than it already was!

When making a purchase, you will have several different options available to choose from. Some of these include: circle lenses, enhancement tinted contacts, opaque color contacts, and sheer tinted contacts. Circle lenses are popular among Asian women and girls, as they give your eyes a doll-like appearance. Tinted contacts slightly enhance the color of your natural eyes by coating the iris with one or two colors. Opaque-colored lenses completely change the color of your eyes, while sheer tints provide a softer look to your eye color without making it too bold or drastic.

We hope this information has been useful to you.