Not sure whether to consult a physical therapist or an occupational therapist Kalgoorlie? Occupational therapy (OT) specializes in improving issues related to the hand, wrist, and elbow. On the other side, physical therapy (PT) treats anything concerning the spine, hips, feet, ankles, and knees.
At its core, PT aims to enhance mobility while OT is more about helping a patient resume their daily activities. Note that PT is based on physical rehabilitation whereas OT touches on both physical rehabilitation and mental healthcare. Both rehabilitative techniques can be applied in the treatment of shoulders.
Suppose you want to adapt or modify your daily routine. An occupational therapist can help you alter the daily activities or change your environment. They’ll also guide you on improving your fine motor skills. These are small movements that you can perform with the upper torso e.g. dressing, driving, teeth brushing, and using a fork and knife. An occupational therapist is thus a professional who is trained to instill positive coping tactics to gain independence.